3 Things Star Wars Taught Me About Birth

I admit it. I love Star Wars! There’s just something so inspiring about a ragtag group of rebels fighting impossible odds in pursuit of life and freedom. Even if you’re not a fan, there’s real life childbirth wisdom to be found in the Star Wars saga.

Be informed! Whether you’re formulating a strategy for stealing plans to the Death Star or navigating your pregnancy and birth journey, without good intel you can’t make the best decisions. Heard about delayed cord clamping, but don’t know what it is or why it’s done? Find out! Feel like a birth plan is a good idea, but don’t really know how to write one or what to include? Hire someone who can help! Want to understand more about how to increase your breastfeeding success? Stalk your favorite crunchy moms group! When you know what you need to know, you’ll be able to do what you need to do.

Be a rebel! Did you know that you don’t always have to do what you’re told? (gasp!) Although it can seem daunting to take on the evil Empire, the alternative could mean giving up more than you bargained for when you started. Being a rebel in birth means that your voice is heard and your opinion is valued. Surround yourself with like-minded allies, be strong, and make informed decisions about your pregnancy and birth!

Believe in yourself! The latest Star Wars film, Rogue One, tells the story of Jyn Erso. She has lost everything and everyone she loves to the Empire. And all hope seems lost for the Rebel Alliance as well…until she decides to do something about it. Others join her and the fight for freedom continues! Research your options and learn all you can, surround yourself with a tailored-to-you team, believe in your ability to make the journey, and watch your amazing birth experience unfold!

This is your time to shine, not shrink back in fear or uncertainty. Challenges and obstacles could arise, but you can overcome. May the force be with you!

I’m ready to support your amazing birth! Proudly serving Grand Prairie, Arlington, Mansfield, Cedar Hill, Duncanville, Irving, Dallas, and Fort Worth.

Until next time…


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