WANTED: Homeschool DOULA

It’s the first day back to school, and I’m hiding in my room drafting an ad. What do you think so far?

Homeschool Doula

WANTED:  Homeschool DOULA, experience preferred but not necessary

Help! It’s back to school time and I desperately NEED a homeschool doula! This person must possess the following qualities, in addition to limitless patience:

  • Be a nag.

It’s the first day back to school for us today. I’m currently hiding in my bedroom. I NEED someone to remind me why I chose this path! I know there were some damn good reasons…that are hard to recall in the everyday trenches of teaching my own children. My homeschool doula will always remember why and know exactly how to encourage me in those pursuits.

  • Must enjoy research.

Boy, is there a lot to know about homeschooling! Once you figure out why you’re doing it, there’s the when, where, and how to deal with! My homeschool doula will have answers to all my questions and access to the best resources in my community should I need further support. And I will love her forever!

  • Be a good listener.

This is a gift to my husband. That eyes-glazed-over look will be a thing of the past when I get my very own homeschool doula! She’ll hang on my every word, ready to hear my next brilliant idea for the school room…even if it’s 2am. My homeschool doula will listen thoughtfully to my concerns. She will remember that this is my educational journey, not hers.

  • Be hands-on!

I never have a clean house AND educated children. My homeschool doula will be whatever I need her to be for however long I need her to be it; including but not limited to: math genius, teen emotional expert, chef (experience with allergies a must), neck massager, and kid chauffeur. My homeschool doula will be ready for anything and bring the tools to get the job done well!

Thank you for your interest in serving me and my family in this crucial time. Experience living on-call and sleeping while sitting up will be helpful.

Comment below for consideration.




One Reply to “WANTED: Homeschool DOULA”

  1. No one can homeschool AND have a clean house. It’s one or the other, but never both on the same day- or week, or sometimes year.

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