The Day I Met Ricki Lake

I love days like today.

I was standing in line to meet Ricki Lake (trying to think of something brilliant to say, secretly hoping I didn’t loose the ability to speak altogether) when my world got bigger.

Ricki Lake2

And as I listened to Ricki & Abby chat about the impact of The Business of Being Born eight years later and their current projects, I realized something obvious – they are just normal people, women who gave birth the same way I did. They had doubts, fears, regrets, and triumphs – just like me!

Today Ricki Lake smiled as she said hi to me, shook my hand, asked my name, put her arm around me, took a photo with me, and signed my shirt. All of those things were amazing!

But what I’m super excited about is that Ricki and I are doing something really important TOGETHER! We are investing in a community that supports a woman’s right to know her options and have her wishes respected in birth.

Won’t you join us?


Until next time…
